Welcome to our class blog, seniors!! Please visit here to check out some reminders (which will be up top, just below these notes) and then any Posts that you may be required to read, follow, use for reflection, pondering, writing, screaming, laughing, etc...these Posts will be further down. The most current ones will be first - always check the dates. There may be times where I may ask you to visit an older Post.
Remember to always converse with the author - use post-its and take notes -annotate- be active readers! Happy reading and writing.
I hope to have a wonderful last year of high school with you! Fight off that horrid senioritis!
Bulldogs Bulldogs Bow Wow Wow (that's for my Yalie son, Kyle...check out his football pic on the link to the left!)
**HP has created a Google account just for you - so check it out at the HP website. Click on the link for student Google accounts**
Happy Spring! March Madness begins...
1. Continue to actively read the memoir that you chose, and complete the open-ended/reflection questions (packet). Keep in mind the characteristics of a memoir. I hope that you are enjoying your choice! Please bring your memoir book with you to class. Have about 3/4 done for 3/24...try!
2. Over the next few days, we will be presenting the "Impact of the Written Word" PowerPts/Prezis that you created. Nice job! Enjoy.
3. See below for the Memoir packet to work on and bring with you over the next week or so...just in case you misplace it.
Monday, March 16, 2009
WALL - E!!!!!! Huxley's response??
For your post #9, please discuss what you think Mr. Huxley would say about the film WALL-E. Explain your reasoning, and use specifics. ( 1 - 2 paragraphs; 15 pts.; due this week sometime - by Thurs., 3/19)
"...he commences to laugh...it's free and loud and it comes out of his wide grinning mouth and spreads in rings bigger and bigger till it's lapping against the walls all over the ward...This sounds real. 'My name is McMurphy, buddies, R. P. McMurphy, and I'm a gambling fool'" (Kesey 16-17).
EMERGENCY! 911 Plans Just In Case of a Lengthy School Closing...
1. Continue working on whatever we are doing in class. Read ahead in whichever book we are studying; continue to annotate with your Post-its - converse with the writer! Consider purpose, audience, and writing strategies. Continue to mark challenging/unfamiliar vocabulary. Work on any extended assignments that you have been given. Check our blog page and your HP e-mail account for communication from me.
2. In the event that I am extremely ill and unable to communicate with you, please complete the following:
A. In reference to the work currently being studied:
-Type a one-two page letter to the author describing this work's impact on you. Discuss specific writing strategies, and incorporate at least two textual passages. Post to your blog, or e-mail to me.
-Use our on-line services (visit the Media Center at the HP website) to search for literary criticism and author biography. Find at least one source for each; read. Choose one point in the literary criticism to either agree with or refute, and type up a one page discussion, incorporating at least one textual passage from the criticism as well as the work being focused on. Secondly, type up a reflection on the author's life and any connections to the work being studied. What influenced him/her? Length: one - two typed pages; post to your blog, or e-mail to me.
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